Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Barn Addition Update

The 24 stall barn is finished!!! Just now putting the finishing touches on a 60' round pen. I am so happy!! Now this fall going to start a 90 x 90 indoor arena. Will make riding this winter alot nicer. Nice to have stalls for the horses to eat in. No more fighting! Getting more boarders in and meeting alot of great people. Glad to have them all with me.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Barn Addition

Getting ready to build onto the upper barn to make 24 + stalls!!! YEAH! I am so excited. Will be nice when it is done for feeding this winter.

I would like to welcome aboard Belinda Lang, Brittany and David Huffman to the barn! More family members.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Horse Boarding

Horse Boarding: Red Hill Stables is a very nice boarding facility located 7 miles west of Bloomington. There are two arena's: 100 x 150 and a 60 x 60 along with a 60' round pen. Grain, hay and pasture turnout daily. Lots of riding trails. Stall board is $200.00 per month . Call: 812-327-3437